Dr. Lisa Tam and Associates

General and Cosmetic Dentistry


Call (416) 967-7179
Email info@ayorkvillesmile.com
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Suite 1102, 77 Bloor St. W.
Toronto ON M5S 1M2
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Message Archive

Old messages from Dr. Tam.

Message from Jan 4, 2022

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a healthy and safe holiday season.

As the new year arrives, so has the Covid 19 Omicron variant. Ontario has once again reverted to the Stage 2 re-opening. We will continue to follow the enhanced infectious control protocol as per the guidelines issued by the Public Health of Ontario and the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Additionally, we have put in HEPA Filters and our staff is screened daily. Our staff is also fully vaccinated.

We will continue to screen our patients coming into our office. We ask that if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone who is currently isolating to please defer your appointment by five days, as recommended by the Public Health Ontario.

In the event that we are short-staffed due to COVID-19, we will have to reschedule your appointment. We appreciate your patience. Thank you for being so flexible and accommodating since the beginning of the pandemic. We will continue to work hard to maintain our office as a safe space.

This January we say goodbye to our long-time hygienist Vaushari. Vau has decided to take early retirement to enjoy her days doing Yoga and working out of her mobile clinic at nursing homes. Vau has promised to come back occasionally to help us out. We wish Vau all the best in her upcoming adventures. Our other long-time hygienist Deborah will continue to be with us and take care of our patients.

Lastly, let us make a toast to the new year—to a better and brighter 2022, may this be the year that the pandemic becomes history.

Dr. Lisa Tam
Jan 4, 2022

Summer is here! Hopefully patios will open soon and we can finally get our haircuts.

It has been over one year since we reopened our clinic after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have worked diligently to ensure your safety: 1) instituting new screening and operational protocols and 2) installing new infrastructure—vapour barriers and HEPA filters. I am happy say that thus far we have operated without a single case of COVID-risk exposure. My staff and I have already received our first doses of COVID-19 vaccine. We are all set to get our second doses within the month of June. This is exciting news.

Dental health continues to be an important part of our overall health. A peer review study showed that inflammation is not only a symptom of COVID-19, but that it can also be a symptom of periodontal or gum disease. Patients with gum disease were at least three times more likely to experience severe COVID‐19 outcomes, including death, ICU admission, and the need for assisted ventilation. Additionally, COVID-19 patients with periodontitis showed increased levels of biomarkers similar to those with COVID-19 complications. We should not neglect our oral and gum health.

I will close by sharing this catchy slogan from the Ontario Dental Association.

Mask up, lather up, back up, and sleeve up. We can save lives together.

I wish you all a safe, healthy, and happy summer and I hope to see you soon.

Dr. Lisa Tam
Jun 8, 2021

Message from Jun 8, 2021

Summer is here! Hopefully patios will open soon and we can finally get our haircuts.

It has been over one year since we reopened our clinic after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have worked diligently to ensure your safety: 1) instituting new screening and operational protocols and 2) installing new infrastructure—vapour barriers and HEPA filters. I am happy say that thus far we have operated without a single case of COVID-risk exposure. My staff and I have already received our first doses of COVID-19 vaccine. We are all set to get our second doses within the month of June. This is exciting news.

Dental health continues to be an important part of our overall health. A peer review study showed that inflammation is not only a symptom of COVID-19, but that it can also be a symptom of periodontal or gum disease. Patients with gum disease were at least three times more likely to experience severe COVID‐19 outcomes, including death, ICU admission, and the need for assisted ventilation. Additionally, COVID-19 patients with periodontitis showed increased levels of biomarkers similar to those with COVID-19 complications. We should not neglect our oral and gum health.

I will close by sharing this catchy slogan from the Ontario Dental Association.

Mask up, lather up, back up, and sleeve up. We can save lives together.

I wish you all a safe, healthy, and happy summer and I hope to see you soon.

Dr. Lisa Tam
Jun 8, 2021

Message from Oct 25, 2020

Our office has been open since May 26, 2020 as per Ontario Public Health declaration that health care sector can return to work with enhanced precautions for COVID-19. Our hygienists returned in late June to take care of your regular hygiene appointments.

We are dedicated to ensuring that our office provides a safe environment for our patients. Even before the pandemic, we followed stringent sterilization standards and rigourous cleanliness protocols. Since reopening, we have put in place further measures to ensure that your visit to our office is safe. These include enhanced use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and new COVID-19 related safety protocols. In addition we have installed physical vapour barriers at our operatories and the front reception area. We have also installed medical grade High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.

Now more than ever, health is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Oral health plays an important role in the maintenance of our overall well-being. It is a reminder to all that while the pandemic has thrown us for a loop, we are doing our best to get you back on track. Our receptionist Chantel will be contacting you soon to schedule an appointment. The end of 2020 is coming upon us quickly. Please consider using your dental benefits before the next year to maximize your coverage.

Wishing you health and happiness.

Dr. Lisa Tam
Oct 25, 2020