Dr. Lisa Tam and Associates

General and Cosmetic Dentistry


Call (416) 967-7179
Email info@ayorkvillesmile.com
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Suite 1102, 77 Bloor St. W.
Toronto ON M5S 1M2
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Dental Implants

Dr. Tam is now certified by the Royal College of Dentistry to perfom dental implant surgery.

Missing teeth adversely effect your well-being. It can lead to the loss of chewing ability and eating pleasure, loss of other teeth, tipping, and crowding. Replacing missing teeth, therefore, is important to your general health and the health of your remaining teeth. In the past, bridges and dentures were the only available options to replace a missing tooth. Modern dentistry offers another alternative---dental implants. This is by far superior to other alternatives for teeth replacement.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are medical grade titanium roots that are surgically embedded in the jawbone. These acts as an anchor for replacement teeth or crowns.

Is it for me?

Dental implants may be a right choice for patients of all ages. areful assessment is needed if you are the right candidate for dental implants.

How long will it take?

Treatment times can vary from case to case. Every situation is unique. It may be immediate replacement or up to 6 months of healing is required.

Benefits of dental implants