Dr. Lisa Tam and Associates

General and Cosmetic Dentistry


Call (416) 967-7179
Email info@ayorkvillesmile.com
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Suite 1102, 77 Bloor St. W.
Toronto ON M5S 1M2
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Here we provide answers to some commonly asked questions. For further information please contact us.

Don't forget to checkout the dental videos that explain various dental treatments that we offer.

Some Commonly Asked Questions

My teeth are perfect. Why do I need a regular dental checkup?
Regular dental checkups can help us detect a disease in its early stages; thereby, making treatments easier, more effective, and less costly. It also forms the core of a proactive approach towards your dental health. Gum disease, for example, manifests itself silently. It is important to be properly diagnosed at the earliest stage. You can ensure that an oral health condition does not go undiagnosed and untreated by visiting us regularly.
I have heard that gum disease has been linked to other health conditions. Is that true?
There is increasing evidence supporting a strong connection between oral health and the general health and well-being. Gum (periodontal) disease has been linked to a number of diseases including:
  • heart disease & stroke;
  • complication of pregnancy;
  • respiratory diseases; and
  • diabetes.
What are the advantages of laser dentistry?
Laser dentistry techniques has several advantages over traditional therapies, including less invasive procedures and reduced healing times. Please visit our laser dentistry page for more information.
Am I covered?
One of the most asked questions to us is whether I am covered for certain dental procedures. Unfortunately, there is no way for the dental office to know this by just knowing the benefits company you are registered with. Every employer negotiated a benefits package for their employee with an insurance company. The benefits package will include varying coverage level for different services. So, how to find out what are you covered for? Should you come in for every 6 months or 9 months for a dental cleaning? Usually, most benefits package will stipulate the frequency of a recall examination for every 6 or 9 months. However, there is also usually an allowance of six or more units of scaling per year. Each time you come to the dental office for your hygiene appointment, 3 units are used for an appointment. That means if you have 12 units of scaling, you are allowed to have 4 hygiene appointments a year even if your plan calls for a 9 months recall schedule.

Just remember to bring in the insurance details for us on your next visit. If you are still unsure what you are covered for, we’ll be happy to decipher your coverage for you.

Rest assured that we base your treatment based upon your dental health needs, not on insurance policy.

When should I start taking my child to the dentist?
A child’s first dental visit should take place between the ages of 6 to 12 months. Regular flouride treatments, administrated by a dental professional, can help strengthen the teeth enamel.

Fact Sheets

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