Dr. Lisa Tam and Associates

General and Cosmetic Dentistry


Call (416) 967-7179
Email info@ayorkvillesmile.com
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Suite 1102, 77 Bloor St. W.
Toronto ON M5S 1M2
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We are committed to your health and well-being.

Our goal is to create a proactive dental care plan for you, so you can enjoy a lifetime of dental and physical health.

The surest way towards your oral health for life is to attend to your dental care needs throughout your lifetime. Your overall physical well-being also, among other things, depends upon your dental health.

We provide the following treatments

Pit and fissure sealants; mouth guards; root canal; conscious sedation (laughing gas); and flouride treatments

You need to contact us if you experience any of the following symptoms

Gum disease; bad breadth; tooth senstivity; teeth grinding; and thumb sucking

Preventive Care

Regular dental checkups and frequent visits to your dentist can help the dentist detect a disease in its early stages; thereby, making treatment less discomfortable, easier, and less costly. It also forms the core of a proactive approach towards your dental health.

The most common cause of tooth decay is plaque—a sticky accumulation of bacteria. Plaque deposition can be minimised by a conscientious oral hygiene regime that includes brushing and flossing. A small amount of plaque, however, is left behind (especially just below the gum line) which overtime hardens into tartar that can only be removed by a visit to a dentist. During your preventive care visit, we inspect your teeth and supporting structures for signs of any disease, remove tartar, polish teeth, and treat teeth with fluoride. Thus prolonging the life of your teeth and keeping your gums health.

Tooth Loss

Thanks to modern developments in dentistry aging no longer means that you have to suffer tooth loss. Loss of teeth can create facial contours and creates problems in the digestive track.