Dr. Lisa Tam and Associates

General and Cosmetic Dentistry


Call (416) 967-7179
Email info@ayorkvillesmile.com
Make an appointment

Suite 1102, 77 Bloor St. W.
Toronto ON M5S 1M2
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We are ready to welcome you back at our office!

As of May 25, 2020, according to the Directive from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Royal College of Dental Surgeon, dentists are permitted to provide an expanded list of in-person services (including elective procedures) with enhanced precautions.

Your safety is our primary concern

We are thoroughly trained in infection control and management. We have always provided a safe and secure environment. Now we strive even further to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in our clinic. We will do our utmost to ensure your safety.

In addition to extensive team training in infection control and patient management procedures, we have implemented the following infection prevention, appointment scheduling, and patient visit management systems and protocols to ensure your safety at our office.

Before your visit

We will contact you 48 to 72 hours prior to your appointment via phone, text, or email to ask you a set of health-related questions. It is required that we complete this questionnaire prior to your visit to our office. We will have to reschedule your appointment if we are unable to complete this step.

During your visit

  • We have implemented personalized arrival procedures that will guide you from the building lobby directly to our treatment room to minimize your time in our building.
  • We have instituted longer appointment times that will allow you to complete all appointment tasks and duties in the safest and most comprehensive manner. Longer appointment times will also ensure social distancing in our office.
  • We have rearranged our space to implement distancing in the reception area for essential caregivers and parents of minors if they cannot wait outside the clinic.
  • We will record your temperature upon arrival to our office.
  • We require that you MUST wear masks during your stay in our office.
  • You will be required to complete a health questionnaire upon your arrival at our office.
  • We will administer an oral pre-rinse for each patient to reduce germ exposure.
  • We require hand washing or hand sanitizing before all appointments by our team and by our patients.
  • We have provided hand sanitizers throughout our office.

Other changes to ensure safety

In addition, we have made the following changes to our office to further enhance the safety of our patients and our staff.

  • We have installed droplet barriers (or sneeze guards) in our reception areas.
  • We have instituted enhanced operatory disinfection procedures of all surfaces between visits. We will also use fogging devices to clean hard-to-reach surfaces.
  • We have installed HEPA filtration for better ambient air management. We will use HEPA filtration continuously throughout the office to capture germs, thereby preventing these germs from circulating in the air.
  • We have installed barriers at our operatories to eliminate airborne droplets from escaping into the common areas.
  • We have removed magazines, education material, and other such items to minimize contact surfaces that may harbour or carry germs.
  • We have instituted temperature checks and lung efficiency assessment for our staff twice daily, once before the first appointment and next after the last appointment.
  • We will use personal protection equipment (face shields, gowns, and N95 masks) for our doctors and team. These will protect both our patients and our team.
  • We have implemented enhanced nightly disinfection procedures of operatories, equipment and office fixtures like computers, keyboards, telephones, tablets, chairs, doorknobs, and buttons that may be touched unconsciously.
  • We have revised our mail handling procedures. We now disinfect all packages, letters, etc. when they arrive at our office.

Dentistry in the time of COVID-19

(Left to right) all suited up in PPEs; operatories' sliding doors act as physical vapour barriers; medical grade (high-suction) extraoral evacuator HEPA filteration systems; plexiglass barriers at the reception.